Records : Girls: A.Pearcy 2-51.90 (78/79) : Boys : K.Goodhew 2-46.0 (69/70) GIRLS BOYS 1st. Mia Pacey 1st. Craig Rolfe 2nd. Cathie Fuller 2nd. James Brown 3rd. Clair Simpson 3rd. Dave Gledhill EVENT: 7 Yrs and Under 100m MEDLEY Records : Girls: C.Potter 1-51.03(18/19) : Boys : A.Sate 2-08.37(98/99) GIRLS BOYS 1st. Caitlin Potter (New Record) EVENT: Masters 35 yrs to 44 yrs 100m MEDLEY Records : Girls: S.Mountford 1-29.53(98/99) : Boys C.Amos 1-21.75 (15/16) GIRLS BOYS 1st. Michelle Potter 1st. John Edmondson 2nd. Andrew Gill
EVENT: Masters 45 yrs to 54 yrs 100m MEDLEY Records : Girls: C.Fuller 1-36.83 (15/16) : Boys D.Gledhill 1-28.00(18/19) GIRLS BOYS 1st. Cathie Fuller 1st. David Gledhill (New Record)
2nd. Anthony Sandwith
3rd. Dan Bence
EVENT: Masters 55 yrs and Over 100m MEDLEY
Records : Girls: D.Gledhill 1-42.88 (15/16) : Boys P.Auld 1-37.31(14/15) GIRLS BOYS 1st. Val Edmondson 1st. Kenn Brown 2nd. Peter Auld
EVENT: 8 to 11 yrs 200m MEDLEY Records : Girls : J.Auld 3-14.66 (08/09) : Boys : J.Brown 3-09.53 (18/19) GIRLS BOYS 1st. Sienna Gledhill 1st. James Brown (New Record)
2nd. Kayan Sandwith
3rd. Tasman Sandwith
EVENT: 12 to 15 yrs 200m MEDLEY Records : Girls : B.Numa 3-02.78 (11/12) : Boys: T.Fuller 2-56.69 (14/15) GIRLS BOYS 1st. Laura Bence 1st. Tom Gledhill
EVENT: Senior 200m MEDLEY Records : Girls : A.Auld 2-59.89 (83/84) : Boys : M.Reed 2-49.06 (88/89) GIRLS BOYS 1st. Mia Pacey 1st. Craig Rolfe 2nd. Clair Simpson 2nd. Doug Auld 3rd. Jesse Rolfe |